Physical Science
Have you ever wondered why oranges could be used as cleaning products? Why the earth does not orbit closer and closer to the Sun? Why you fall down when you trip and not fly up? Why window glass and granite rock used to be classified as liquids rather than solids?
Physical Science will transform you into a true scientist as you investigate, plan experiments, and test the world around you. You will discover that science does not exist solely in the lab. Through lecture, discussion, and lots of lab activities, this course will show you that science is alive and can be used to design snowboard runs, to bake cakes, and to bring you movies.
I hope you realize how awesome your universe really is!
PowerPoint Notes and Resources
Click the button on the right to view the PowerPoint presentations and notes for
each unit taught.
Measuring Physical Propwerites
Atoms and the Periodic Table
Chemical Reactions
Motion and Force
Sound and Light Waves
Reaction Rate Lab
Click the button on the right to download the template for filling out the final
draft of your work sample lab.
Heat Lab
Click the button on the right to download the template for filling out the final
draft of your work sample lab.
Exam Preparation
Use these tips and resources to review for quizzes, tests, and the semester final exam.