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Grading Policies

A  =  90-100%               B  =  80-89% 

C  =  70-79%                 D  =  60-69%               F  =  59% or below

Breakdown of Grades:                                         

70%  =  Assessments:    evidence of meeting the learning targets/standards (labs, quizzes, and unit tests)

15%  =  Practice Work:  completion of daily work, labs, booklet checks, etc.

15%  =  Final Exam:        a comprehensive test that covers all the material covered during the semester 

                                          (Students with a 95% or higher going into finals week will be rewarded by not

                                          being required to take the final.)

I expect you to be on time and ready to complete the start up question when the bell rings.  A tardy is defined as being outside the classroom when the late bell rings.  You will receive the consequences outlined in the CHS attendance policy.


It is your responsibility to obtain the notes and complete the assignments that you miss.  Refer to the agenda on the whiteboard, the calendar on the wall, the class website, or a classmate.  Missed tests or quizzes will be taken upon your return.  
Late Work
All assignments will be accepted for full credit up to the day of the unit test.  The test day is considered the deadline; at this point, any missing assignment will become a zero.  This policy may be waved under special circumstances  that have been communicated with the teacher. 


Revising Work
You may re-submit graded assignments for additional credit up until the day of the unit test to improve your scores.  


Academic Detention*
If a student scores below a 70% on a Biology unit test, he or she will be required to serve Academic Detention.  This is a mandatory study session, where he or she will evaluate the failed test and retake it in hopes to earn a passing score (up to 80%).  He or she is required to attend Academic Detention each Thursday until he or she fulfills the requirements to retake the test. 
Academic Detention is held every Thursday, before school from 7:00 -7:30 A.M. or after school from 2:45 – 3:30 P.M.  If the student fails to attend Academic Detention, he or she will be assigned one regular afterschool detention and will also have to attend Academic Detention the following Thursday.
* Biology Classes Only
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